This week’s playlist comes to us from , whose substack has been a fav of my feed for a while. Between notes on love and pictures of Kate Bush walking a crocodile, it’s been a welcome respite from the typical feed fodder of nightmare news scenarios and “the worst person you can imagine just published a blog and your friend reblogged it.” The playlist is music for real yearners. You can find it below along with some words from Tyler and subscribe to THAG here:
Yearning is an emotion I love most and feel deeply — it’s all-encompassing. Heartfelt, heartache, romance, friendship, nostalgia, hopefulness. There is no end to what you cannot yearn for. I’m a certified yearnalist.
Sade Adu makes music for the eternal yearner, the true yearner. She understands heartbreak, she understands love, she understands sex. She knows how to articulate these emotions so clearly, so specifically, with so much raw power. Lovers Rock is a song I listen to every day. It doesn’t matter how I’m feeling; it knows exactly how to comfort me. It gets the opening slot for that reason, but realistically every slot could be a different Sade track.
I didn’t think I’d ever like Mk.gee or Clairo, but here we are. I love the way they write; it connects with me in ways that still leave me surprised. Both come with a new lover, someone I yearn for fervently, with every piece of me. True love never dies.
Fade Into You may be an obvious choice, and that’s exactly why it closes the playlist. It’s the perfect song. Everyone has had that one person they pour themselves into completely. When they hear the opening riff followed by Hope’s voice, everything they’ve ever felt makes sense. The lyrics are vague, and I interpret them less obsessively than others. Get lost in your love, your passion, fade into them, and they’ll fade into you, in harmony. Let your love guide you.
Again, you can subscribe to THAG here:
Take care, thanks for listening, see you next week